Billboards in Kaunas city Billboard K13 12 Žemaičiai / Baltija st.

Billboard is located at north entrance to the Kaunas city through Žemaičiai highroad. Next to SEB bank, grocery stores "IKI", "Maxima" and Šilainiai clinic. The billboard can be seen going both ways.

  • Billboard dimensions - 8.00 x 12.00 = 96 m2;
  • 36 000 vehicles goes through this section of Žemaičiai highroad a day;
  • Statisticly in one car there are 1,5 passanger, so your add would be seen by 54 000 people;
  • If we would add up the people who use public transportation, we would get an impressive amount of potential clients;
  • Billboard is illuminated using advanced Philips light technology.



Billboard panoramic view

Billboard panoramic video

Billboard position on map