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According to the recent research by "Media House" agency and "Synopticom Ad Research" 29% of 18-50 aged internet users in Lithuania have apps like "Adblock" or "Adblock Plus" in their computers to block the annoying ads on internet websites. These numbers are scary for those who want to promote their product, because the percentage is only of people who named the apps they were using.
Marketing agencies have to solve bigger and bigger challanges because users try to avoid ads in more and more creative ways. Thinking that people change the channel or go to the kitchen to grab a bite when TV ad is on, agencies have to ground the numbers on the ratings. Every media has it's own pros and cons. Although outdoor advertisment is leader in this area because you can't turn it off or block it.
Agencies are looking for solutions in how to reach those who are ignoring ads. At the moment "Media House" are experimenting with biggest websites for some of their clients to show the ads only for those who have blocking apps. This way of advertising also has it's cons - you can't get statistics on how long the add has been shown, how many times etc. We should not forget, that ads are the only income for this kind of websites.
Internet websites and clients are not the only ones looking for the solution to this problem - "Google", the technology guru, is also investing to make this problem go away. There are rumors spreading around in advertising that "Google" are trying to come up with an agreement with the creators of add blocking apps, so that "Google" would be able to show their banners with no limitations. At this moment there is no one wright way to stop this problem from spreading, so there's "war" going on between those who create add blocking apps and those who try to avoid it, and those who are winning always have newer versions and professional technologies.
When add is blocked, website users only see the contents of the website and no third partie information - meaning the ads remain unseen and for unseen ads clients do not pay. Therefore websites suffer a great deal of money loss which is firstly due to the fact that they've got greedy and effrontey.
Media planning agencies say that they do not feel the damage by add blocking apps, however what is waiting in the future ir of the unknown. Therefore more and more clients try outdorrs advertising, since it always guarantees that the add will be visible to the users.